What To Expect
Friendly Welcome
All are welcome to worship with us! We want you to know no matter who you are or where you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome! Once you walk through the doors, someone will greet you and will be available to answer any questions you may have.
During our service a song leader leads the congregation and together we lift our voices in praise to our Creator. We do this as a way to offer worship to the Father and to edify one another.
Multiple times during the service one of the men of the congregation will lead the church in prayer. Though only one person is speaking, we believe our hearts and souls are joined in lifting up this prayer to God.
Lord’s Supper
Every Sunday we participate in the Lord’s Supper. The unleavened bread represents His broken body. The fruit of the vine represents His shed blood. We do this in remembrance of what Jesus Christ did and give thanks for His sacrificial death on the cross. All are welcome to partake of the meal.
Each week, we take a collection to help provide for the needs of the church, our local community and mission work around the world. This offering is to be given freely from the heart.
The preacher will deliver a Bible-based sermon. The sermon is intended to challenge and encourage the listeners to pursue a closer relationship with God. The Church will be inspired to share the Gospel with those they encounter every day. This is a time to remind us of our mission: “To know Him and to make Him known.”
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What should I wear?
You are welcome just as you are. Whether you are dressed in athletic shorts and a t-shirt, a dress, or a suit and tie; you are welcome.
Will I be asked to give?
No. The offering is a time for members to give in support of the work of the church. You are welcome to give, but certainly not required. This would be a good time to fill out a visitor’s card and place it in the collection plate.
What do you offer for children?
On Sunday mornings, we have an adult Bible Class which starts at 9:45 am. During the sermon we offer a nursery for ages 2 and under and a children's church for ages 2 - 2nd grade. On Wednesday night we have a Men's and a Ladies' Class starting at 6:30 pm.
How do I become a member of the Kanawha City Church of Christ?
We are so glad you asked! You may contact the church office at 304.925.7435 or speak with a ministry staff member or one of the elders and we will be happy to meet and discuss this with you!
What must I do to be saved?
Jesus Christ did all the work! Salvation was offered as a free gift to everyone when Christ gave Himself to die on the cross. However, just like every good gift, you have to accept the gift of salvation.
How do I accept this gift?
Through baptism (immersion), a sinner is symbolically buried with Christ in His death. When raised out of the water you join with Christ as He rose from the dead to walk a new life, saved by grace through the blood of Jesus.
Find out more about our Staff and Leadership
The elders are in the process of seeking a new minister.
Our Leadership
The elders of the Kanawha City Church of Christ provide spiritual leadership and guidance for the members.
As an autonomous congregation, all governing decisions and financial responsibilities are handled by the elected eldership.
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